Living history group 276th Sqdn. (reenacted) RAF in year 2012

Here are pictures from events attend by living history group 276th Sqdn. (reenacted) RAF or our members:

Launch pf the book (Rebel v oblacích – Rebel in the sky),
live story of Otakar Hrubý, fighter pilot, ex RAF, Battle of Britain pilot


Burrial of ashes of gen. Miloslav Kašpar and commemoration ceremony


We gave our last farewell to the general Miloslav Kašpar, war veteran.

Trhovokameničtí židé a příslušníci RAF,
Koncert klezmerové kapely Klec

Trhová Kamenice

Monument dedicated to RAF airmen and victims of the shoah from Trhová Kamenice was first monument realised by our living history group or by its leader Filip Procházka. This monument and its realisation are reason for establishment of our living history group. We are active group, not only visitors of events. 

This monument is situated on Raisovo náměstí, in front of church and grammar scholl, near monument dedicatwed to victimd of WW1 and WW2.


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