Information about Czechoslovak people in RAF and WAAF

You can find in this part of this website some interesting information about Czechoslovak people in RAF and WAAF.

The most successful Czechoslovak airmen in the RAF

Here you can find information about mst successful airmen, who fought in the RAF. 

The most successful fighter pilot in the RAF was F/Lt Karel Kuttelwascher, DFC and bar, who shot down 18 planes for sure, 1 probably and 5 damaged.

Sgt Josef František, DFM and bar, bar shot down 17 planes for sure and 1 probably. 

S/Ldr Otto Smik, DFC shot down 9 planes and 3 V-1s for sure, 2 planes probably and 3 planes damaged. 

W/Cdr Josef Ocelka, DFC flown most hours – 224,5 hours in 44 sorties in Bomber Command and F/Lt Miroslav Vild, DFC flown 1 178 hours and 32 minutes in 103 sorties fof Coastal Command. 

More information you can find in books of Jiří Rajlich or on website Pavel Vančata. 

FRANTIŠEK ŠKULTÉTY - The youngest member of the RAF

ŠKULTÉTY František, AC2, 788897 , Depot, voj.
* 16/09/28, Benešova Hora /Prachatice/ , Ground staff

Military record of František Škultéty:

ALEXANDER WEISS - The oldest Czechoslovak airmen in the RAF

WEISS Alexander, Sgt, 787622 , 311 Sqdn, rotmistr
* 29/01/86, Wien , Wireless Operator
† ??/??/84


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