Living history group 276th Sqdn. (reenacted) RAF in year 2016

Here are pictures from events attend by living history group 276th Sqdn. (reenacted) RAF or our members:
Naming of the grammar school in village Vlkoš by name of native of it, Colonel Karel Antonín Macháček, war veteran, doctor in the RAF and co-grounder of International Students day.

Opening ceremony of exhibition about establishment of Czechoslovak squadrons in RAF

Podřipské museum, Roudnice nad Labem

Vernisáž výstavy ke vzniku většiny československých perutí v RAF

Exhibition Wings in exile was presented in seat of the Zlín region too.
Exhibition Wings in exile was part of commemoration programme about var veterans from Křinec and its region. Visitors could see a display of battle and other exhibition, dedicated to war veterans and military camps.
Very nice commemoration event was prepared in town Hrochův Týnec. It commemorated two RAF airmen from this town. Luaniching ceremony of two DVDs about this airmen, planting of lime tree and many exhibitions, including RAF equipment, vintage cars and model of spitfire.
As part of Aviation fair in Pardubice is commemoration event prepared for children. Many activities took part of it, including our quiz about history of RAF. This competition bear name of Josef František, RAF ace of Battle of Britain.
Small commemoration was prepared it to village named Lubenec in Pilsen region, in front of house, where he was born.

Commemoration of Stanislav Hlučka, fighter pilot in RAF and 1st fighter aviation division in USSR

Blažovice, 2. 10. 2016

Natives from Bratčice never forget Vilda Jakš and his brother, both freedom fighters, who were perished in WW2. Vilda Jakš is MIA as air gunner of 311 Squadron.

Annual meeting of former airmen

Jindřichův Hradec, 27. 8. 2016

We attended near family event – meetong of former airmen, now not only of var veterans. Its is annualy event of our friends from Klub historie letectví Jindřichův Hradec. This very nice event have some parts – meeting, comemmoration ceremony and private meeting with cultural programme.

Unveiling of commemoration plaque to remembrance of Karel Stanislav Otta, Air Gunner, 311 Squadron

Mnichovo Hradiště, 2. 9. 2016

It was prepared with cooperation with representatives of Mnichovo Hradiště and members of his family. Exhibitions about Czechoslovak airmen and about Karel Stanislav Otta took part in whole event.

New commemoration plaque dedicated to Czechoslovak airmen who served here and who escaped via Manston from communist Czechoslovakia has been unvailed in memorial garden of the Spitfire and Hurricane Museum. It is result of exhibition Wings in Exile presented here in year 2015.

Day of open doors, airbase Namest

Biskajská, 1. 10. 2016

We have to great possibility to came back to this air base and contine with cooperation with its airmen. We were hear years before and now we were back.

We presented here equipment and uniforms of the RAF and WAAF and our exhibition Wings in exile too. We show here the uniform of exWAAF Jiřina Tonder. Visitors can see boarder game 303 made by Instytut pamjeci narodowej in Poland.

We attend a launch of the book Letec Otto Hanzlíček – An airman Otto Hanzlíček, written by Matěj Hanauer, issued by Labyrint publishing house. It was lanuched in Cafe Spitfire, which don´t exist anymore.
We shown to the public renovated exhibition dedicated to the Riders in the Sky – book and movie about Czechoslovak airmen. It was presented as part of rich programme of Day of war veterans, which was prepared by representatives of Prague 2 district.

The Riders in the Sky – exhibition

Náměstí Míru, Prague 2, 12. 11. 2016

Next day exhibition Riders in the Sky continue in premises of city hall of Prague 2 district.

Naming of ie arena by in name of Ludvík Košek, ice-hockey player and pilot RAF, native from Turnov

Turnov, 2. 4. 2016

New ice arena in Turnov bear name of native from this city, Ludvík Košek, ice-hockey player and later pilot in RAF, KIA in WW2. Whole ceremony, attended by very large amount of visitors, contained tournament of pupils (this tournament bears Ludvík Košek´s name too), our exhibition Wings in Exile and exhibition of military vehicles. Commemoration plaque was unveiled with attendance of members of Košek´s family and general Emil Boček, RAF veteran.

Anniversary of establishment of 313 Squadron and lecture

Olomouc, 2. 5. 2016

Lecture prepared by young student from University of Palacký in Olmouc, prepared this lecture. It was divided in several topic and we were invited to speak too.

Unveiling ceremony of plaque dedicated to memory of Czechoslovak airmen from 313 and 68 Squadron. Former control tower, Catterick, United Kingdom

Catterick, Great Britain, 10. 6. 2016

Commemoration journey to former air base of 311 Squadron RAF, Beaulieu, 1st day

Commemoration journey to former air base of 311 Squadron RAF, Beaulieu, 2nd day

Commemoration journey to former air base of 311 Squadron RAF, Beaulieu, 3rd day

Commemoration journey to former air base of 311 Squadron RAF, Beaulieu, 4th day


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