Living history group 276th Sqdn. (reenacted) RAF in year 2007

Here are pictures from events attend by living history group 276th Sqdn. (reenacted) RAF or our members:

Exhibition Armáda v proměnách času – Army in changing times


Exhibition which described many parts of history of Czechoslovak and Czech army. Milan Vacek, our member, lend some equipment for it.

Aviation fair


First larger presentation of our living history group for visitors od this event and first presentation of RAF and WAAF equipment and uniforms here.

Vintage air show

Mladá Boleslav

Uniforms and equipment could be part of Vintage Air Show in Mladá Boleslav. That we were there and enjoy whole event and presentation of RAF and WAAF equipment.

Air show in Hana – Hanácký letecký den


We attend air show in region, where were born many of later RAF Czechoslovak airmen, who are remmembered in Olomouc and many towns and villages here.

That we commemorated them with small exhbition as part of this airshow. Not only our display can be seen here. This event was attended by many US, Russian and German reenactors too.

Higland air show – Horácký letecký den


This air show is an air show, which we really enjoy. In year 2007 battle shows were missing, but there was RAF display for first time. I really appreciated care of organisers about our living history group.

Making of the documentary – Muž, který přecenil českou duši aneb útěky Josefa Brykse – man, who estimated Czech soul – Escapes of Josef Bryks

Czech television

We played some parts in making of documentary about Josef Bryks, MBE, Czechoslovak fighter pilot in RAF, POW and victims of communist regime.

Making of the documentary Enemy of the destiny – František Truhlář, air gunner and pilot, RAF

We took active part in making of documentary about František Truhlář, Air Gunner, 311 Squadron, later fighter pilot 312 Squadron RAF.

His destiny was really tragedy – he survived as only one person cars of wellington, but heavily burnt. He was cured, trained as a pilot and later he had oher crash and was burnt again. He was cured again and came back to liberated Czechoslovakia, his homeland. Here he died short time after WW2 in air crash.

Unveiling of statute dedicated to memory of Alfréd Bartoš, commander of Silver A paragroup


We took part in guard of honour and commemoration ceremony in town Sezemice, where was born Alfred Bartoš, later commanding officer of Silver A paragroup, who perished in fight in church of StCyril and St Metoděj.

Unveiling of the monument dedicated to William L. Kiggins, USAAF

Brno Slatina

It is honor to us to commemorate allied airmen. That was reason, why we attended the ceremony for commemoration of 2nd Lt Williamu L. Kigginsovi, who was shot wodn on 11 October 1944 by AA guns.

Making of the movie Osud na nebi Josefa Janeby – Destiny on sky of Josef Janeba

Osud na nebi Josefa Janeby – Destiny on sky of Josef Janeba was one of documentaries made with attendance of our living history group. It described life and death of 312 fighter pilot, made by Ondřej Krejcar from United film movie studios.

United film

Highlands games


Our friends are members of reenactors groups, which portray Scotish units. That is reason, why we attended Highland Games held in area of Sychrov Castle.

Visit of general Miroslav Štandera, RAF pilot

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