Living history group 276th Sqdn. (reenacted) RAF in year 2017

Here are pictures from events attend by living history group 276th Sqdn. (reenacted) RAF or our members:

This article and pictures describes the best Czechoslovakian movie about Czechoslovakian airmen in the RAF. This movie has been shot in 1960´. Here it is: The Riders in the Sky online. Pictures below were made during meeting of contemporary witness and opening ceremony of the exhibition.

Day of open doors

21st Tactical Air Force Base “Zvolenská”, Čáslav, 20. 5. 2017

We presented our exhibition about the movie Riders in the Sky. We thank for a tent to the airmen from Čáslav and for patronage over this exhibition to Ministry of culture and finanicial support to Prague district 2 and Middle Bohemia Region.

Part of this movie Riders in the Sky has been made near Čáslav, in Filipov.

Commemoration of Josef Valčík, Silver A paragroup and Josef Balejka, pilot, RAF

Smolina, Vlašské Klobouky, 27. 5. 2017

We attended commemoration event held for remembrance of this two Czechoslovak hero, freedom fighters.

Exhibition Wings in exile

Town hall, Náměstí Míru, Prague 2, 29. 5. 2017

Because very good cooperation with representatives of Prague 2 and its mayores Jana Černochová, member of the Chamber of deputies, we commemorated Czechoslovak airmen in Prague 2.

Aviation Fair „Odlétáme na prázdniny – We fly to holidays“

Kunovice, 24. 6. 2017

At the end of school year 2017 we have opportunity to attend very special event and air show prepared not only for pupils and theirs families „Odlétáme na prázdniny – We fly to holidays – Military day“ in aviation museum Kunovice.

We were there with our friends from living history group Biskupští manové from Kroměříž and from other groups and we really enjoy this event.

You can see in this photo gallery not only our exhibition, but part from programme of this event. The most popular part were fly by of plane of Slovakian Air Forces, which flown in bloody low level. Twice.

We met there many friends and RAF enthusiast. That was very nice.

Other programme was offered to us by Evžen Petřík, that we saw very nice Flower garden in Kroměříž and later the Cairn of Peace Memorial with temporary exhibition about Vilda Jakš, boxer and Air Gunner in the RAF.

Air show Flying Legends

Imperial War Museum Duxford, 9. 7. 2017

Because our good friends from United Kingdom we attended again the best historical aviation show in Europe Flying Legends in Duxford. We commemorate our airmen served there and attend very good display of our friends.

Commemoration of Vladimír Kowač, RAF,
and its 100th anniversary.

Břeclav, 31. 8. 2017

Historian and enthusiasts František Trávníček prepared in Břeclav programme to the memory of Vladimír Kowač, pilot in 311 and 312 Squadron. We presented here exhibition Wings in exile and our friends equipment of RAF airmen.

Commemoration of Richard Husmann, Air Gunner in RAF and Czechoslovak Air Forces in USSR and author of legendary book Riders in the Sky

Municipal library in Prague, branch Břevnov, 2017

In windows of this library we presented pitures, books and other documents connected with Richard Husmann, Air Gunner in RAF and Czechoslovak Air Forces in USSR and author of legendary book Riders in the Sky and co-author of movie with same name.

Commemoration of František Trejtnar, pilot, RAF

Kunvald u Žamberka, 16. 9. 2017

We lend our exhibition Wings in exile as part of rich commemorative programme organised as remmembrance of František Trejtnar, pilot RAF from Kunvald near Žamberk. Representatives of this town prepared very interesting programme, including unveiling new commemoration garden with plaque dedicated to him.

Day of open days of Shelter Folimanka

Shelter Folimanka, Prague 2, 14. 10. 2017

Not only in Prague were during communist regime build shelters for citizens. Now are this shelters used as places for many activities. For example exhibitions during open days. Our exhibition were presented here too, including new large version of game 303 – game about Battle of Britain.

Unveiling of commemoration plaque to memory of Ladislavu Světlíkovi, RAF pilot

Pilsen, 25. 3. 2017

We attended unveiling ceremony of plaque dedicated to Ladislav Světlík, RAF pilot.

Unveiling of commemoration plaque to memory of RAF members

Slatinice, 15. 4. 2017

We attended unveiling ceremony of plaque dedicated to RAF airmen from town Slatinice and nearest region.

Exhibition about movie and book Riders in the Sky

Regional military HQ, Olomouc, 2. 9. 2017

We present one of the largest our exhibition about Riders in the Sky – Czechoslovak best movie about Czechoslovak airmen in the RAF and book, draftt for scenario of this movie, in seat of Regional military HQ of Olomouc. We presented many items connected with author of this book and co-author of this movie Richard Husmann.

Commemoration of Czechoslovak airmen from Blovice region

Blovice, 11. 11. 2017

Our exhibition Wings in exile were presented as part of whole programme duirng commemoration of airmen from town Blowice.

Making of the movie Balada o pilotovi – Balad of the Airman

Panenský Týnec, 2017

Our friends and colleagues took part in making of new movie about Czechoslovak airmen in the RAF named Balada o pilotovi – Balad of the airman. Scenary of the movie was inspired by life story of Karel Balík, Czechoslovak pilot in RAF.


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